Select Your Distance and Time Goal
So you have decided to run a marathon for the first time. Now you are wondering what to do. Our suggestion is to run down to the local running store in your community and inquire about their marathon courses. Perhaps you may wish to try the local university. In any event, most running stores have displays of road races that are coming up and on these you may be able to find a contact. What you need is a training schedule for a beginning marathoner and support from a group of fellow runners. We may be able to help the marathoner who wants to go under
four hours with a program designed for a four month period. We have four tested programs available: Full Marathon 3:20 hour program (tested) Full Marathon 3:10 hour program (tested) Full Marathon 2:55 hour program (tested as 2:57:42) For you half-marathoners we have four training programs: Half Marathon 2:00 (tested) Half Marathon 1:50 (tested) Half Marathon 1:30 (tested) This page revised October 15.2000 |