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Goal Setting

Motivation is important for all runners, but particularly for beginners who have not yet had a chance to recognize the positive values of running. Before you take your first steps you need to establish a goal. Do not give up until you reach that goal.

1. Many people start exercising to lose weight.
2. Some people exercise as a means to quit smoking.
3. Others have as their goals relieving stress.
4. Some use running to gain private time for themselves.

Establishing mileage goals works for many. Running a mile non-stop for the first time can provide you with your first high. Running that mile faster can keep you going. Then you can increase the distance you can cover continuously to two, three or more miles.

Even though you don't consider yourself competitive, you might want to pick as a goal a local road race. The most popular race is the 5-K (about 3.1 miles), a distance achievable by most beginning runners. Allow yourself enough time to train for that distance, then just do it. Once you finish your first 5-K and pick up your first race T-shirt, you can establish additional goals.

So why do you run?

Good Luck and Good Running

©Women in Motion -September 1.2000